Metropolis Ministries

March  2001  Newsletter  


March 2001 

By Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy


God is really beginning a fresh move not only in Metropolis but all across the board I believe. Isaiah 61 has gone into their first two prison outreaches and the Lord has moved greatly. I went with them on their first gig and witnessed 2 men come to the Lord. Now initially that may sound small but let me explain how big this really is. This was a small facility, actually it was a work release center which is where inmates are sent when they are soon to be released. It is a process that slowly re-introduces them back into society.

Now, unfortunately we know that when we do outreach in prisons that a small number of men who stand up for Christ are not actually sincere, in fact they are simply trying to look good for the parole board. This is fact not guesswork. In being wise we accept this as part of the way it is. However, we are never discouraged because many men that stand are sincere and the Lord completely turns their hearts to Him. I counted twenty men at the first concert, which means twenty percent came to the Lord. Statistically, I've been told that only about 3% get saved at outreach functions. Oh but, Dennis you just said some of these were probably not sincere. Normally, that would be true, however, in a work release center these men knew they would soon get out. They had no one left to impress. They came to the Lord because they saw their own hopeless doom without Jesus. Hallelujah! Isn't that awesome? Continue to pray for Isaiah 61 as they go forth in Jesus' name.

I recently heard Joyce Meyers on a TV broadcast talking about laughter and how it is truly one of Gods' gifts to us and that it is a healing to our souls. In my agreement with her, I want to begin, starting now by adding a joke section in the newsletter and also posting them at our main URL address. Please email me all of the clean jokes you get along the way and perhaps they will make the list. I will give credit to anyone who sends a joke that I use. Try not to make it too long and thanks.  As most of you know I am American Indian. I attended a PowWow in Ladson, SC last weekend that was awesome. Here is a joke I heard there:

The bear chases the warrior. The bear runs faster, the warrior runs faster. Again, the bear runs faster, the warrior runs faster. Finally, the warrior cries out Help me God! Suddenly, a light shines forth from heaven and as the world seems to stand still the Lord speaks. Excuse me, did you ask for my help? In fact, you said before you did not even believe in me, that I would have to prove my existence to you. Tell me warrior, what shall I do to prove to you that I exist? Lord, if you put religion in this bear that's chasing me, I will believe. Suddenly, the bear falls down on his back knees. He raises his paws up before his face and putting them together he speaks and says, "Lord, thank you for this food we are about to receive."

Eagle Spirit



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