Metropolis Ministries

October  2000  Newsletter  



October 2000 

By Dennis Bracy



Hello, One and All.

There's plenty of movement around and about Metropolis.  I would like to
start off by saying thanks and blessings, to Danny Scott for his
participation on our legal board as he has officially stepped down to
pursue other endeavors. 

Donny, our lead guitarist who also serves on Metropolis' Ministry Board
will only be with us for a little while longer as his wife has joined the
military and they will be moving in January to Texas for about 1 ½ years
and then on to Germany for 4 years.  Though, I am sad for the moving of
my friends I am excited because it looks like Donny will be staying on as
a minister of Metropolis taking this ministry wherever he goes and will
remain on the board for now.  I do ask you to pray that God will swiftly
raise up someone to take Danny's place on the board and a guitarist to
take Donny's place here.

Welcome to Brandon (Parker) Ross who is presently playing drums for
Metropolis and doing an awesome job.  We are blessed to have him on

We are scheduled to play Sunday Oct. 22 in Florence, SC at the Sunday
Night Alive Comedy show which spawned from the SNA here in Columbia, SC.
Try to come out and support Us and SNA as they are doing a great job
reaching out to the lost in a fresh way.  If you are interested in going,
email me and let me know.  As soon as I get the directions and showtime
for that evening, I'll write you back.
Finally, pray as I am trying to begin the fulfillment of a vision I've
had for sometime.  I'm trying to raise up a 4-5 man vocal team to sing as
a group.  The thing that will be so unique is the style of music that we
will be singing to.  It will be mostly a heavy rock sound while normally
singing groups have more of a pop or gospel or country sound.  I was
brought up on The Cathedrals and KISS so I guess this vision seems normal
to me.

Keep it real!




 Our Proposal 


  Previous Newsletters:

February 2000

March 2000 

April 2000

May 2000

JUNE 2000

July 2000

Aug 2000

Sept 2000



















