2000 Newsletter
Love mixed with
faith be yours from God the Father
and from the
Master, Jesus Christ.
Pure grace and
nothing but grace be with all
who love our
Master, Jesus Christ.
Ephesians 6:23-24 from The
TOUR 2000
Welcome to Metropolis News on-line! Are you having a great summer? We sure hope so. The time is certainly flying by quickly and the end of our tour is at hand. The Living Video of Song of the Warrior has but one more gig scheduled, Kershaw Corrections on July 8, 2000. Which, by the time you are reading this, will have already occurred. (I apologize for the lateness of this newsletter.) Metropolis is grateful for all the support and prayer they have received during this ministry. Thank you to everyone. Last June, Metropolis performed the drama ministry for an eager crowd at Woodhill Mall in Columbia, SC. They were anxious to hear the message of Jesus and of God in a new, upbeat, and hopefully, inspirational way. Based on the feedback we received, I believe we satisfied their hunger for freedom to worship. Praise God for allowing us to spread His word in such an unbiased, non-judgmental way and we thank Jesus and the Holy Spirit for guiding us the entire journey! Many hearts have been won, many tears have been shed, many souls have been saved, and many sins have been forgiven in the name of Jesus. As a resiult of this "tour," a lot of land has been claimed in the name of the Father, throughout SC prisons. It has been such an inspiring and emotional project, we are all kind of sad to see this part of the drama ministry come to a conclusion. But glory be to God, He is readying us for the next battle. Donning our whole armor of God, Dennis Bracy and company are preparing the troops for whatever God has planned ahead and we are marching forward.
Donny Harr
Donny Harr is 34 years old and has known Dennis Bracy since 1982. He energetically joined Metropolis forces in November of 1999. He is married to April, a very sweet, charming, and devoted young woman. Though Donny was raised with a background of religion and regularly attended church, he never really knew God. Until Donny learned to develop a personal relationship with God, he also was not able to truly accept Jesus as his savior. Now, Donny describes his intimate, one-on-one relationship with God as, "not being confined to a building." He worships and praises God wherever he goes, because he knows that God is with him everywhere. Donny is a member of the Drama team that is now winding up its current tour. Though used to performing as a musician, acting was a "strange new thing." His roles, especially that of Doubting Thomas, gradually grew impassioned as he became more comfortable in them. When he is on stage, he is truly in character, giving his all to God, and expecting in return, the grace to convey His message. Donny also is an incredibly multi-talented member of the Metropolis worship team. Not only does he lend his vocals to the band, he can be found playing just about any instrument, such as guitar, bass, drums and keyboards. On a recent camping trip, I even found him giving the mandolin a whirl! At one point in Donny's life, he was on the track to a promising career as a skillful, professional musician. But by grace, he came to the realization that using his musical ability to glorify God was much more satisfying. He loves to help others develop their talents and teach them how to worship the Lord with music. He also loves to share his love for the Lord! Thank you Donny, for being such a dedicated warrior for God, in Metropolis' army! DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE REST OF THIS REALLY COOL WEBSITE! You can also surf to the Teachings page for inspirational, and informative truths. Thank you all for checking in this month, and don't forget to come back soon to learn more about Metropolis! May God and His grace, be with you wherever you go! Kim Barrickman