Metropolis Ministries

February 2000 Newsletter


Hello one and all, and Welcome.  It's a pleasure to be able and keep you
updated and notified about what's going with Metropolis Ministries.
Presently, we are on the last couple of months of practice on the Living
Video of, "Song of the Warrior".  It's been a great deal of fun and
surprise simply watching this new dimension of Metropolis Ministries
actually come forth.  We did not know what to expect when we first set
out to do it, but, it sure has been quite a bit of fun getting to this
point.  We start our first official performance on Sunday April 2nd with
a skit from only one of the songs on the album.  This is actually for
another already established ministry called, "Sunday Night Alive"  which
is a spoof on Saturday Night Live from TV.  These guys do a great job and
asked if we would come and do the spot they leave open for a serious skit
to take place that will minister the Gospel...Of course, we couldn't
begin to turn that down.......Too much fun.  Then 3 out of 4 Saturday
evenings for the next few months we will be performing live at prisons
all over the State of SC.  Anyone interested in checking us out live, can
come to the Vineyard, Sunday Morning, June 11 @ 10:00 am sharp.  We have
the entire Sunday Morning Service.  Vineyard, is Located in Columbia, SC
(803) 772-5691.  652 Bush River Rd.   Get to I-26 from I-20 or I-77.
I-26 going west to Bush River Rd. turn Right or from I-26 going East turn
Left on Bush River Rd.  Go about 3-5 Blocks and turn Right at the little
strip mall behind Captain D's enter from the back of the strip mall and
Vineyard is on the second level.  Hope to see you there.  Finally, thanks
to WQXL, 1470 on your AM Radio Dial in Columbia, SC for putting the song
Emmanuel from our latest album on Regular Rotation - 4 times daily.  Give
them a call and say, "thanks for playing that Metropolis Cd, Where can I
get it?"  Please, e-mail me with any questions you have and check here at
least once a month for new updates.

Blessings to all of You,






 March 2000 Newsletter

April 2000 Newsletter




