Metropolis Ministries

May  2000  Newsletter



For the weapons of our warfare are not physical (weapons of flesh & blood)

                             But they are mighty before God for 

                    the overthrow and destruction of strongholds.

                                   II Corinthians 10:4 (Amplified)

Hello and welcome, I hope everyone had a pleasant, blessing filled Easter. Metropolis has been incredibly busy the past month, occasionally leading worship at the Columbia Vineyard and performing drama ministry in the prisons.

To lead worship at the Vineyard, Dennis Bracy has put together a talented team of musicians, Donny Harr on guitar, Chris Berry on congas, and Paul Jones on bass. These men are highly anointed and definitely gifted in the area of worship. They are strongly dedicated to spreading the good news of the Lord through song, dance, worship and ministry. Sherry Bracy also plays a vital role as an intercessor during these times of worship, her prayer and worship have become an essential part of the ministry.

The "drama team" of Metropolis visited three South Carolina prisons during the month of April. There, we performed the "Living Music Video," Song of the Warrior. Our efforts have resulted in 12 people publicly being saved, and we are convinced even more people have been touched and perhaps accepted Jesus as their savior.

Saturday, April 29th, we were at State Park Correctional in Columbia, a women's prison. We had barely arrived when it became obvious that the enemy was there waiting on us. All of the intercessory prayers apparently had been heard, because we seemed to be filled with strife. BUT, we immediately went to war and were blessed with the presence of the Holy Spirit. Usually after the performances we begin packing up right away, this particular night was different. We all quietly fell into silent prayer. A feeling of calm exhaustion came over me, I cannot speak for the others, but I felt as though we had won a very important battle. However, these women have many more battles to fight, and obstacles to overcome, so please join us in continued prayer for them.

                                          MEET METROPOLIS

This is the part where I'd like to introduce you to members of Metropolis. Each month I will try to feature one of the hard-working, dedicated warriors, who help Dennis and Sherry keep this ministry fighting for God and His glory. This month's featured soldier is CHRIS BERRY.

Chris Berry  Chris is 23 years old, single, and is an awesome photographer. Besides photography, he has many other talents, not the least of which is playing the congas for Metropolis' worship team. Chris became involved with Metropolis when Dennis Bracy asked him to consider running sound for the ministry. After a month of careful prayer, Chris came aboard as sound man, but has ended up as the percussionist, and as an actor. He really had no interest in performing, he just wanted to run sound, but it soon was clear that Chris should play the part of Jesus in our crucifixion scene. (Just another of the many creative ways God has used each of us involved in Metropolis.) At first he was a little shy, but he is filled with such passion for our savior, that he embraced the role and has been giving extremely moving performances as Jesus, as well as other roles in the drama.

Thank you all for visiting the Metropolis website, and please don't forget to check out all the other great pages!

Yours in Christ





Previous Newsletters:

February 2000

March 2000 

April 2000

















