Metropolis Ministries

September  2000  Newsletter  



September 2000 

By Dennis Bracy


I hope this letter finds you all well today, after a Labor Day weekend.
I am grateful to have heard from a number of you last month in answer to
my last letter.  So for now I will continue on as usual.  I have
interviewed a new drummer and he will begin tryouts for the band this
week.  So, pray that the Lord's will around this guy would manifest.
We have had one of our grant inquiries answered and they have sent us an
application.  There is an awful lot of work involved in creating a grant
application.  Not only do you have to fill out their questionnaire but,
you have to create imaginary budgets saying exactly what you will do with
the money if they give it to you.  Also, you end up writing 1 to 2 page
essays in answering many of their questions.  I suppose it's all
understandable.  Please pray for me as I write these reports that God's
Spirit would rest on me, giving me wisdom and that all who read it would
have favor on Metropolis and will give generously.
Actually, I sent out about 5 inquiry letters to 5 different grant
organizations.  We heard from 2 so far, the one I just told you about and
another that says we like you but, our money is tied up for the next few

I do not believe in begging for money but I do believe in letting our
needs be known throughout the body.  We are still in need of any and all
financial support any of you feel lead to do.  Our new web page at, will soon feature online giving and that is exciting.
Please remember that you can reach out in evangelism just by giving a
little money to any missions oriented Organization you feel lead to. 
Please take a look on the proposal page link below, these are items
listed on the budget I have proposed for over a 3-year period.  Pray over
this and see if you feel compelled to help, because this budget proposal
if approved will not cover every need we have.

Visit our 2nd URL:

Bless you,




 Our Proposal 


  Previous Newsletters:

February 2000

March 2000 

April 2000

May 2000

JUNE 2000

July 2000

Aug 2000
























