Metropolis Ministries

August  2000  Newsletter  



Newsletter August 2000 

By Dennis Bracy


Hey Folks,

I want to start out by saying thank you to Kim for the great job she did on all the recent newsletters and also to let everyone know that for now Kim will not be doing the newsletter.  Hopefully, someone soon will rise up to take her place as I am more geared for the teaching page. Anyway, God has been outstanding as always in His movement inside this ministry.  We have really enjoyed the fellowship of His presence that came and ministered throughout the last tour as roughly 20 people accepted Jesus as their personal savior.  It is completely over now and looking back is like a blur in the light of all the hard work that everybody put into it.  My hope is that the drama, dance, and martial arts ministries within Metropolis have now become birthed and that they will continue on with me as a guide and blessing.

We had a BBQ dinner over at Donny's house a couple of weeks ago with the cast and that was really fun as we talked about the different things we encountered from the tour. We also talked of the possibility of getting together one more time and doing the Drama for the camera.  We'd like to shoot a videotape of the whole thing so we can use it as a teaching tool in the future.  The only problem there is trying to find someone to shoot it before my lovely wife gets to far along in her pregnancy and is unable to do the high flying stuff while she dances.  

The Lord seems to be raising up some new faces to become a part of our team and I am really excited as I watch the Lord work through this ministry to help train new believers and teach them in His ways.  Please keep us in your prayers as we wait for Him to release us in getting a facility.  Presently, we are having weekly meetings with our core group but, unable to facilitate new comers because of space.  That is really hard when there are people who really would like to participate.  Please, let me know if you have any ideas on that one. 

Finally, there may be a door opening for us to do some outreach with a local Biker ministry so keep that in your prayers as well.  Hey, just for my information, will all of you who are reading this letter, send me a short note via email and let me know if you are enjoying the monthly newsletter and if you are getting anything from the teaching pages.  If you have any suggestions or ideas that would make this even more appealing let me know that as well.  If I don't hear from some of you, We may cease the entire effort, guessing that it is in Vain……..So, let me know how you feel.

Thank You and God bless!

Dennis - - - - - - - -





  Previous Newsletters:

February 2000

March 2000 

April 2000

May 2000

JUNE 2000

July 2000
























