Metropolis Ministries

December  2000  Newsletter  



December 2000 

By Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy



Hi All,

There's really not an awful lot to report as we are pretty much on hold
for a season while I minister to my wife and help her through this final
pregnancy.  The baby is actually due Dec. 26, I know Merry Christmas
however, this may be the only child we have ever had come early.  The
midwife says since she is already about 60% effaced, that if we have to
do an aversion and turn the baby next week that they may want to go ahead
an induce labor.

On another note though, I did have a meeting with the pastor of the new
church that we have been attending for the last three months and he has
welcomed Metropolis to use their gigantic, extra building to practice out
of whenever we are ready to put another outreach together.  That's
enormous because since the disbanding of our previous church home we had
no facility by which to operate when the time comes to get everything
going again.  So Praise the Lord!

That's about it so keep us in your Prayers and Have an awesome





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