Metropolis Ministries

November  2000  Newsletter  



November 2000 

By Dennis Bracy



Hi All,

It's really amazing sometimes how rapidly things can change anytime
God's involved.  For instance, it was just last month when I told you
that Donny's wife was going into the army and they would be moving away.
And now it seems that actually will not occur at all as Donny is really
feeling lead of the Spirit to stay put.  I hope that works out well
getting "out" of the army commitment because, I am excited that one of my
best friends in the whole world might be staying after all.  I hope that
in the future He and I will have many glorious victories working together
in Metropolis in many ways.

We had a really awesome time playing and ministering at the Sunday Night
Comedy (SNC) Show last Sunday (Oct. 22) In Florence, SC  - Francis Marion
College.   The SNC cast are great people and we really enjoyed our time
with them.  Hopefully, we will work again with them in the future.
However, for now I am officially putting myself up on the shelf for
about 6 months as my beautiful wife draws closer to the due date of our
5th and final child.  I feel the need to be home and minister to her
first and then my kids, as they are the greatest call in my life directly
after God.  Please pray for us during this time that I will draw close to
God and hear His voice more clearly.  Getting a clearer picture of what
He desires for Metropolis and how to get there.  It's very difficult for
people like me to be on the shelf when I love so much to be "out there"
doing the stuff but, if we ministers of the gospel do not make our
families a higher priority than our so called "ministries", we really
didn't get it. 

May the fullness of Gods' Presence fill you to overflowing.





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  Previous Newsletters:

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March 2000 

April 2000

May 2000

JUNE 2000

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