Metropolis Ministries

January  2001  Newsletter  



January 2001 

By Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy


Greetings and Salutations,

I'm sure that at least most of you know by now that we do have a new
baby boy at home, and for that we are thankful.  It seems incredible that
we have reached the end of the baby producing stage.  Now though, I
believe I am about to see the birthing of a different kind of baby, one
that has been in labor for about 6 years now.

When Sherry and I first realized that she was pregnant with our first
child, a prophetic word was given to me that my ministry would not fully
be released until we had our last child.  We also at that time agreed
that we felt it was in our hearts' that we wanted 5 children. (In the
prophetic, the number 5 means grace and grace is the empowering presence
of God)  Actually, some years ago before we had our first baby, a highly
anointed prophetic minister prophesied over us and one of the things he
saw constantly was the number 5 on us.  That number and its' meaning has
constantly been in our lives ever since.  Anyway, as most of you know,
for 6 years now I have been laboring hard in the prisons and outside to
minister the gospel using a band or whatever means was able.  We have
seen countless lives come to Jesus with signs and wonders following.
Still, most of the other things that I believed were in Gods' plan; it
seemed we worked on in vane.

One of the big parts of this ministry is to release other bands, drama
teams, dancers, etc. to go in prisons as well as outside and minister the
gospel with Metropolis as a covering for them.  Well, for six years I've
been talking to others and showing the benefits, and on and on and on.
Yet, I could not pay anybody outside of my personal team to go in and do

Now, here is the new Millennium with a new, God hungry President for our
Nation.  Our 5 children have been had.  And, Praise Jesus suddenly,
without warning, I've got 2 other bands that asked me to book them a tour
in the prisons, with another team (drama) looking into the same. 
God is Faithful and He is True!  The bookings are nearly complete.  We
have a team going in this spring to one set of prisons, another team
going in the summer to a different set of prisons and I'm taking a team
for a big tour of 12, still different prisons in the fall.  It looks now
that this ministry will minister to at least about 22 of the roughly 25
prisons in the State of SC this year.

The teams are Metropolis, Isaiah 61, and The Ravens.  Please Warriors,
pray hard for our Obedience, Safety, personal walks of Spirit Fruit
growing, and Boldness.  Any of you, who are interested in becoming part
of an outreach with us, just let me know and we will try to help you out.

God Bless You,
Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy



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