By Dennis (Eagle
Spirit) Bracy
There's not a whole lot to report just that the Lord is moving
everything along at His balanced pace. We will begin going back
into the
prisons on Sat. March 10th with, "Isaiah 61" at Givens
Correctional for
the spring tour that I spoke of in the last newsletter. We are
excited to get started again and really need all of your prayers for
New Year as outreach always brings more intense warfare.
Please, pray for the increased blessing on the personal finances of
team members including myself as money is usually one of the hardest
areas. Remember that though we are doing God's work that Satan
does not
idly sit by but instead attacks with vengeance. Do not say to
"well that is just part of the deal" but rather say to
yourself, "I will
pray hard for Metropolis so that the Lord may be moved by my plea's
the enemies' attack might be thwarted by our Lord". In this
way you
reach out along beside of us to do war even though you may not be
in body.