Metropolis Ministries

  June  2001 Teaching  

June 2001 Teaching

Msg. Of Authority by Ron Campbell

Excerpt Taken from, “Wise Master Builders” June 2001 Volume 1

Submitted by Dennis “Eagle Spirit” Bracy 

All authority was given to Jesus.  When we are founded in Him, authority is given to us.  Jesus made an open display of the enemy, and took back the keys to death, hell, and the grave.  Then He came and gave that authority to us corporately.  That is why God is taking the body through a changing process.  He is developing the character in us so that we will not use this authority to, "call down fire from heaven". 

If all authority had been given to one person, imagine what might happen.  In the military, there are four or five people who have to make the decision on whether to push the red button to set off a nuclear warhead. 

If God allowed us all authority without the proper character being formed, or if He gave it to one individual, there would be nuclear explosions in the church.  The Church of God would stand against the Nazarenes; we would be disagreeing on doctrinal issues and the entire church would disappear because we would blow up each other.  We can only flow in that portion of authority that God has placed within us. 

If we start walking in the portion of authority that's within us, we will do what Jesus did.  The Lord said that we as believer’s, would do greater works than He did.  We are not seeing these greater works because our authority base is incorrect.  The true basis for God's authority has nothing to do with education and it has everything to do with impartation of the power of the Holy Spirit within the believer.




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