Metropolis Ministries

  August  2000 Teaching  

 Weapons of our war   
(Part One)    
 by Dennis


Weapons of Our War - Part I 
By Dennis Bracy

Ephesians 6:12, says in short that we don't fight against flesh and blood but rather the demonic forces in the air.  It also talks in the same chapter about the armor that is available to us to put on for our protection against these demonic forces.  It stands to reason that if we are to fight, not only do we have armor at our disposal but also weapons by which to cast offensive maneuvers.  These weapons are also of spirit, as our enemy is.  I believe that many believers know that they have a certain amount of weaponry by which to fight but, they don't realize how many weapons they actually do have nor how to efficiently use them. We have (1) corporate and individual Prayer/Intercession, (2) the written and spoken Word of God, (3) corporate and individual Worship, and (4) very powerful weapons are forged when combinations of the said occur like, Intercessory Worship which brings a unique and specific weapon to the table.  Over the next few months we are going to try and get specific about how to use each of these weapons more effectively and efficiently.

This month we are going to start on Prayer/Intercession.  Metropolis has an intercessory team called MatRad, which is committed to praying for this ministry on a specific and daily basis because we understand the value of this weapon.  Intercession is prayer on behalf of others rather than yourself.  When you speak your intercession prayers out loud into the atmosphere, which is where the enemy resides, it will directly affect everything of a spirit nature.  It will be a higher release of power for the angels as well as a bright light exposing the dark forces.  We as believers have the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ Jesus dwelling inside of us.  Now, the Holy Spirit is God inside of us, so when we speak out against the demonic forces openly in the atmosphere it releases the power of God which is inside of us and is much like striking the enemy with your fist.  If you were to speak out using the written word in your prayers as well, I believe it would be like putting brass knuckles on your fist as you are swinging.

I often tell MatRad that literally, what they are doing is clearing the air.  When we go out to do a service of any type, the intercessors if they have been faithful, have already gone ahead of us and cleared most of the air so that all we have to do is go in and occupy the land.  It's like sending in the airforce to drop bombs and scatter the enemy so that all the foot soldiers have to do is walk in and occupy the newly taken territory.  Many of you might remember watching on television during the Desert Storm Conflict as the US Air Force sent our Jet Fighters into Iraq and decimated the land.  If the US had been willing, we could have walked right in and completely taken over.  Now, that would still not have been an easy task yet, imagine how much harder the task would have been without the initial air attacks.  It's the same in the spirit.

Finally, remember to intercede often because when you pray on your own behalf you are doing war for yourself but when you intercede for others you are doing war for the body of Christ at large. 

Bless You All,

Dennis Bracy






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