Metropolis Ministries

April 2000 Teaching

Tithes and Offerings


Often, I will not give scriptural references in these teachings because,
I don't believe in hitting people with "Bible Bullets".  Certainly, I get
my information from God's word, and it can be verified in His word.  If
one of you reading any of these teachings' notice that it is not in line
with scripture, please email me and let me know.  You don't hear too much
about tithing lately.  I think that's mostly because of the bad
reputation that many churches have gained by, "begging for money."
However, it's vital that we understand in short, what it means to tithe.
The word, "tithe" actually does mean a tenth.  First, when you approach
the mindset of tithing…. understand that God does NOT own 10% of your
money.  He owns 100% of your money.  When you start out in this
mindset…it automatically, sets a new standard for tithing.  When tithing
understand that it is one of the few places in scripture that God says,
try me on this.  You pay your tithes and see if I will not open the
floodgates of heaven over you.  Now, that does not mean you will get all
of your material desires, and you will still have financial hardships
from time to time.  I think when we start to make our tithes an act of
worship and love rather than a hardship it will also affect our blessings
for the better, because that is what the tithe is supposed to be, an act
of worship.  I've heard it said often that, "I don't have much money, so
I give my time instead."  I understand that idea sounds noble and we
should all give our time however, that simply is not scriptural.  If you
only have a little then tithe from that little.  Before God will trust us
in much, we must be faithful in the little.  The tithe is also an act of
obedience.  God owns 100% but has only required 10%.  If you think God
has told you it's ok to not pay your tithes, then you are mistaken.  He
already said in His word to pay them and He can't contradict His own
words.  The tithe is for basic upkeep of the facility you meet in, staff
salaries, blessing others, etc.  I believe that you should pay your
tithe, to the ministry organization/person/church, that you actually, are
getting your spiritual food from, now that is a personal belief. 
Offerings, on the other hand are what you give above and beyond your
tithe.  I believe that our offerings can go to the same place as we pay
our tithe, or to another ministry we desire to bless.  Again, the mindset
of the offering needs to come out of your heart as an act of love for God
first, and sometimes obedience.  If we love God, we will obey Him.  I
once heard this and believe it true if you are stuck on this issue.  Do I
pay my tithe on the net or gross of my income?  Answer, that depends, do
you want God to bless you based on the net or gross of your income?
Please consider this teaching prayerfully, if you have been negligent in

Blessings to all of you,





March 2000 Teaching