March 2000 Teaching



Greetings, to all of you out there in Cyberland.  I hope this letter finds you all well and moving toward your calling in God.  Today, that is what this letter is all about.  I want to encourage all of you today in finding your calling which is also where you will find much of your anointing.  I myself am blessed that I have found out at least in part what my calling is, and certainly my anointing lies there as well.  Many times people spend a lifetime wandering what their calling is.  A calling is that which God has ordained for your life as that which He has planned out perfectly and specifically for you. No one else can fill the calling, which is yours to fulfill.  You will find that your blessings and success rate of ministry will often be fulfilled at a much higher rate when you are doing that which God has set aside for you.  I believe that more often than not that if you are in Christ, your calling is not that hard to find.  Usually, we will find that our main calling will have something to do with;

1. The natural abilities, which we seem to have, that are above what
might be considered the normal.
2. The natural inclination and/or desire toward something that we have as an individual.
3. The talents we each have on an individual level usually will play a
part in our calling.
4. Finally, many of us will find that not only do we have inclinations,
abilities, and talents but, even giftings, which were supernaturally
given to us by the Lord.  Giftings should, will, and must be witnessed
and affirmed by others to be considered legitimate.

Problems arise when we kick against the goads and are not willing to
follow our callings.  Sometimes we can become jealous of others because
our call does not appear as powerful as our neighbors' does.  Sometimes,
it can simply be a case of, I just don't think I can do this God.
Sometimes, we just have our own selfish wills to contend with about what
we want for ourselves.  I've found that when we put down our wills, trust
God that we can do it, since He's saying it, and determine not to fall
into the sin of jealousy, we not only can function fluidly in that
calling but, also with confidence and great strength.  Even in a case
where you did not want a certain calling, we find that once a person
comes under full submission to that calling that the person will come
under incredible peace and love for that which was not originally
desired.  The reason is because there is a peace and grace that comes
upon all who are moving in what they are supposed to do.  And usually, a
high success rate at that calling.  There are times when we should step
up to the plate and serve in areas that we are NOT called in usually a
case where there is no one else to serve but, Please, don't hold to these
things tightly.  The Lord has called and will raise up the people to fill
theses areas so that you can go and completely fulfill your own callings.
The best servant is the one who moves into their own anointing and
callings, not trying to fulfill another's.

Blessings to you,