Weapons of Our War - Part III
By Dennis Bracy
The world over and back
finds that mankind has the same hearts' cry.
Why am I here? The answer is found in ……………You guessed
it, Gods' word.
(Mark 12:28-31, John 4:23, Revelation 14:6-7) We were created to
the One true God who created us in His own image. From the very
start it
stands to reason that when we are doing that which we were created for,
the enemy is going to be pushed back.
You see, Satan was once the most beautiful of all the angels in heaven.
His name was Lucifer. Lucifer was in charge of the worship of God.
controlled the music, song, and probably every other gift that could be
used as worship to the Lord. Lucifer became jealous of God because
felt that his beauty made him worthy of praise so he aspired to lift
himself above the one that created him. The created can never be
than the creator therefore, Satan perhaps more than any understands the
power of our worship. When we release our worship unto the Lord,
drives Satan back in disgust because he remembers how he came to be in
the position he is in. Satan knows and understands his own
The devil also understands better than man, the way to pervert all the
gifts that were created for tools to worship the Lord. The word
says all
things were made by God, for His pleasure. That means every style
music, dance, drama, art, etc. What Satan did was to cause man to
at himself and say, I am good because of this gift that I have. I
take this talent that I have and use to bring glory to myself.
It's spooky to watch secular music concerts, they have the uncanny
appearance of Public worship sometimes with all the people standing up,
their hands raised high into the air, eyes often closed, sometimes
even fall down under some unseen force and I'm not speaking of drugs.
How many of you remember Elvis and the Beatles? You did not hear
as much
about drug use then but still, people were falling out all over the
as if they were in the presence of a God.
I used to play in a secular band and from experience I can say that I
often felt that I was being worshipped when girls would reach out to me
and grab at me from the floor to the stage. This is one of the
reasons that performing is an addictive drug in itself. That is
musicians and other performers must get away from the performance
and into the worship/ministry mindset. The true mindset of worship
all eyes off of ones' self and puts them on God.
I've been in settings where people were set free from demons and
sometimes, physically healed in the midst of worship. Even before
came to earth, the enemy was defeated through worship. Remember,
David was in King Sauls' service (I Samuel 16:23).
Every time the demons would come and torment Saul, he
would send for David (one of the best known worshippers of all time) to
come and play music and the evil spirit would leave Saul. Learn to
worship all day long in your normal routine and watch how the victory of
the Lord will enter your life.
Bless You,