January 2001 Teaching
Overcoming Personal Strongholds - Part I
By Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy
Before we define what we are talking
about, it seems worthy to note that
our individual strongholds may be one of the last frontiers that we as
Christians must overcome yet there is very little practical teaching
about how to begin the process. I must first confess that I have
experienced strongholds in my own life. Also, I have overcome
strongholds and while not perfect in my walk I believe God has given me
some wisdom and authority in these areas.
A stronghold is when the enemy occupies a certain populated area because
the inhabitants have given itself over to a particular sin/s and the sin
becomes rooted deeply. Often the affects of the stronghold can be seen
the outward appearance of that area. A personal stronghold is much
same only we are talking about individual Christians who are struggling
with particular sin/s that have a stronger hold in their life than is
normal struggle for other Christians.
To the best of my knowledge I have not yet found a Christian who has
never had a stronghold in their life whether early or later in their
faithwalk. Yet, I have met believers who through God's deliverance
overcome those strongholds. A stronghold can lie dormant for
months or
even years and suddenly raise up its head just when you thought you had
it under control. They are inlets or paths that have found a way
our lives through various things such as:
1. Sin that is unconfessed and usually kept hidden. - Example (and an
enormous one in the body of Christ in both males and females) -
2. Specific temptations can comes down to you through your family
heritage. (Exodus 20:5) Example - If your Grandparents got
then your Parents got divorced, it does not mean than when you marry you
automatically can expect to get a divorce. Still, somehow you will
possibly be more susceptible to divorce than your peers whose parents
grandparents stayed together. It may be that somehow your
covering was compromised as a result of that sin in your family or that
you are weaker because it will seem normal and acceptable in your
I don't completely understand it all but believe me the same
demons who
worked on your parents and grandparents will come to tempt you in all
that they were successful in with them.
3. Sin in our lives we may not have realized. Example - You
may not
have realized that playing with the Ouija Board was inviting council
Demons when you did it or the same when you called the Psychic yet you
still did it. (Psalm 1:1 & Lev. 19:31, 20:6). I do
not believe this is
true with all unknown sins we commit just those that feed directly into
our spirits through direct demonic means. For example I do not believe
that someone necessarily has a stronghold of Gluttony just because they
did not realize it and got carried away and committed the sin of
on Thanksgiving.
Finally, we must disperse with the idea that you will never struggle
with a stronghold once you have overcome it. That is false.
I add also
it's possible to even slip and fall into that same sin and still not be
under that stronghold (I do expect some people will have problems with
this statement.) I liken it to a former (not recovering) alcoholic
has not had a drink in 12 years then suddenly in a moment of weakness
slips and has a drink, later realizing the plight of his fall
discontinues drinking and continues on toward sobriety. I do not
that an alcoholic is always an alcoholic if they are found in Christ
because once He heals them, their healing is complete and undeniable
(John 8:36). If an alcoholic has not been healed and
delivered from
alcohol through Christ, then the words, "former alcoholic"
probably remain as, "recovering alcoholic".
Next time, the how to's and what for's.
Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy