Metropolis Ministries

  November  2000 Teaching  

 Weapons of our war   
(Part Four)    
 by Dennis


Weapons of Our War - Part IV 
By Dennis Bracy

Think carefully for a moment, how successful could any army be if they
only used one means of defense or offense?  You have one group that flies
in (Air Force), another that floats in (Navy), another that walks in
(Army), and finally another that is in charge of special task (Marines).
Now of course enough quantity of a single team could do the job in some
cases but that really is not efficient or practical.  Unless the land you
protect is far inland away from water then perhaps you may not need a
Navy.  We understand though that we are surrounded from every side as

The word tells us that we are to meet regularly with the brethren for
public worship, teaching, ministry, etc.  I truly believe that a major
reason for our coming together, is the assault that we can do on the
enemies' camp through corporate worship.  You see many of us have the
same weapons but use them in slightly different ways and when we come
together we often learn new and more powerful ways to use what we have by
watching others and through teaching.  Consider that it is more effective
for 50 people to fire their gun at a moving target rather than just one.
For example, what if someone was being troubled by a demon and began to
worship on their own?  That would be a great way to throw the enemy off
balance because it would be like someone continually having to dodge and
jump the bullets of an angry gunmen, that were coming toward them so they
would not get shot.  Now, what if, that same person began worshipping in
the midst of 50 other worshippers?  Suddenly the enemy is in 50 times
more danger than before and probably has an even harder time staying
around for fear of being wounded.

Another big thing that happens is the revelation that often comes when
our anointings begin to intermingle with each other in the atmosphere.
If one person has a special anointing for worship and another has a
special anointing for prophecy, the Prophetic Worship that can began to
be released if you are open is even greater than that which was good
before.  Please understand that we are not talking about titles or
positions, we are talking about normal people in the body who are
anointed for Gods' glory. 

One person is a great archer shooting a single arrow.  The single arrow
will not be enough to take down the great bear.  Another person has the
knowledge of how poison can work well to kill the bear but has no idea
how to get close enough to the bear without getting himself killed.  When
the two people come together they began to talk and realize that maybe
together they could defeat the bear.  What if the man with the knowledge
of poison puts a little on the arrowhead of the archers' arrow?  Now,
when the arrow hits the bear the poison will also enter the bears system
and he will finally become weak and die.

Truly we are a single army but, in different divisions.  It is great to
be proud of your division at the Army/Navy football game.  As long as you
remember and understand that this battle of ours is no game and that we
are called to fight as one.  There must be no one who thinks of himself
as better than the other and equally all must realize the importance of
there own small contribution.

Finally, we must remember the greatest rule of combat.  Blind obedience
to the only King worthy of it.  Joshua fought the battle of Jericho by
marching around it seven times, just as he was told.  And The Walls Came
Tumbling Down, Hallelujah!

Now fight the good fight in Jesus' Name!



Bonus Teaching 2000

Hi Again,

All too often we have faith without works.  I truly believe that faith
without works is dead short of God's miraculous intervention.  Since most
of us know already that fasting is scriptural and for us today, I thought
maybe some how to help might be in order Thus, this bonus teaching.  I
received this letter through email through a dear friend of mine, Roberta
Schultz whom I have now known for about 15 years.  It lends some very
good and very practical teaching that can be helpful for those of us that
have trouble with fasting. 

Help with Fasting

By Roberta Schultz

Monday, Oct. 23, 2000 ... 15 days before November 7 election.

In light of the call for desperate prayer and fasting through the
elections, I felt I should share some practical words of encouragement
regarding fasting from one who's struggled with it.

The idea of fasting can seem daunting.  The only kind of fast I knew
about several years ago was water only and I usually ended up with a
whopping headache after 24 hours of it. But I've learned that there are
different ways to fast.  One book recommends a supported fast for health
reasons that can be followed for a spiritual fast.  The individual
prepares by consuming only raw fruits and vegetables* for two days, then
goes to fruit and vegetable juices (no sugar, additives s/b in the
juices) for several days or several weeks, then comes off the fast with
two days of the raw fruits and vegetables. 

Often, at the beginning of a fast, a person may not feel so great as his
body starts to throw off toxins.  He may feel droopy, headachy or even
experience the blues, thinking; "I sure don't feel spiritual.  Nothing
seems to be getting accomplished.  Maybe I should just get off this
fast."  That's usually how I felt and I rarely made it past 24 hours. 

Several years ago, I was asked to join with two others to fast and pray
for a 24-hour period for a family going through a dark period.  I went
ahead with a water only, fast and as I came to the last four hours, was
feeling like I couldn't pray very effectively, as I felt very tired and
headachy.  I didn't feel like I was really connecting with the Lord.  I
didn't feel very spiritual.  But I interceded for this family anyway
because I'd committed to it.  That evening, I received a phone call from
the wife of the couple, who asked me to pray; asking if I'd fasted and
prayed.  She told me she'd spoken with the wife of the family going
through this dark time who told her she saw light that day for the first
time in a long time.  As it turned out, I was the only one who fasted and
prayed that day because the others weren't able to.  This was a watershed
lesson for me.  God used this to show me that we can't gauge what he is
doing through our prayer and fasting based on whether we feel on top of
the world or on the bottom as were fasting.

I've been surprised to discover that I've been able to do juice/broth
fasts (for health and spiritual reasons) longer than I'd ever thought I
could, even beyond two weeks (longer if you count two days of raw
fruits/vegetables on either side).   After the initial detox period, I
had a better sense of well being, clearer thinking and actually enjoyed
the fast.  

To those who may doubt they can function or feel it may not be worth it,
I encourage you to pursue the Lord again about it.  A good book to read
on the area of fasting and prayer is The Coming Revival by Bill Bright
(c. 1995 by NewLife Publications).  A practical help would be
Prescription for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis
A. Balch, C.N.C. (c. 1997 by Phyllis A. Balch) that has a how-to section
on fasting.  There are other good references out there on the subject of
fasting as well.

I sure don't claim to have arrived - I'm still struggling and learning as
I go with fasting.  We may not know what God will do in our lives and
others when we seek him in prayer with fasting, but I believe God will
yield greater fruit, both individually and corporately, as we do (Ezra
8:21, Luke 2:37, Acts 13:2, Matt. 9:15).
*but not combining them in the same meal as fermentation can result

In Christ,
Roberta Schultz





Previous Teachings:

March 2000

April 2000

May 2000

JUNE 2000

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Oct 2000