Metropolis Ministries

  March  2001 Teaching  
Coming into balance - Part I

By Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy  

 Bible Verses from New American Standard Greek/Hebrew Key Study   


March 2001 Teaching
Coming into Balance - Part I
By Dennis (Eagle Spirit) Bracy

The last teaching was about overcoming personal strongholds. Part of the reason for that lesson is because I don't think we can even began to fully comprehend balance as long as strongholds are prevalent in our lives. So, I urge you to backtrack and read the last lesson starting in January  (On file at - under Teachings, or here) if you missed it. The type of balance that I'm talking about is the balance between our Christian Faith walk, our flesh walk, and our mental or minds walk. This will encompass many different ideals and beliefs. It could get very easy to get lost in the intricacies of this message for example; the balance between what we believe is right and what we know is right and our actions and reactions upon either of those. However, I don't want us to get bogged down with all of that because the answer to becoming balanced is in part not getting weighed down by all the questions. 

I fully believe that our lack of balance as Christians has mostly made us look foolish before men. I believe that our lack of balance has also been a great aid to the enemy in dividing us as a family of believers. It's our lack of balance that makes us quickly and wrongly pass judgement on each other. It's also caused us to become bogged down with our acts of good deeds rather than letting God transform our Hearts. 

Let's say God has put it in your heart to go out and feed the hungry. You've done that to the best of your ability but one day you hear Him say, "now you go lay down and take a nap." Just as you are about to fall asleep, you hear a knock at the door. You open the door and there is someone you've never met. They tell you they have heard of your good work and want to help by giving you $10,000.00. All you have to do is take the money and immediately began buying food and feeding the people you are trying to reach. Surely, this must be of God, because the only thing you have lacked is enough money to purchase the amount of food you have needed. So what should you do, take the money and began doing that work God put in your heart or lay down and take that nap? ..................................(I Sam. 15:20-23) Obedience is what God desires from us before sacrifice, take that nap. Everything that looks or sounds right is not necessarily His will for us. The reason this is so important to balance is because our entire life will never get in balance until God's will for us is the pinnacle by which we are balancing on. It begins with learning the heart of God in scripture rather than the words themselves. Anyone, can read the bible and memorize what it says, but only the Holy Spirit, God, Himself can reveal His heart within His word. There are many that know Gods' word yet still do not know Him. His word by itself will not save us unless His Spirit reveals to us the understanding of our need for salvation. 

Next we must learn humility anew and fresh by being able to come to God and say, Lord, I hereby give up my old teachings and my old doctrines to you. Lord, take these old things that I believe and sift through them and only give back to me what is truly Your doctrines. You see every doctrine that we have must be based on truth. Truth must be backed up by His word and His heart in that word. We must be willing to say that maybe we just didn't get it the first time around and be willing to give up our old ideas and ways just because it sounds, "Christian". Finally, God have mercy on us, we've turned away from our responsibility to share Your love and mercy because someone was a different color, or their hair was too long, or they had tattoos all over. Certainly, you can't smoke a cigarette, and drink a beer and call yourself a Christian. God forgive us for trying to clean the fish before we catch them and then not realizing that after we catch them it's your job to clean them up not ours. We can't be the Holy Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can be the Holy Spirit. It would be a good idea to exercise this part of Balance before moving on. I call it, "the Surrender Phase." 

Eagle Spirit




Previous Teachings:  

Year 2000 
Year 2001 
March  Jan
April  Feb

